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What is a credit?

Learn how UpLead credits work and how they are used to unlock, export, and download contact information.

Mike Jacobi avatar
Written by Mike Jacobi
Updated over a month ago

In this article, you’ll find:

How Credits Work

UpLead uses a credit-based system to access prospect and company information. One credit equals one contact or one company, whether you're unlocking details, exporting data to your CRM, or downloading it to Excel.

If you export a contact to your CRM or download it to Excel, one credit is deducted per contact.

Credits are also required to unlock company information. Unlocking a company’s email pattern costs one credit, and exporting a company to either an Excel file or a CRM also deducts one credit.

Once a contact or company is unlocked, you won’t be charged again for accessing the same information in the future.


Q: Do I need to use a credit for each contact I view?

A: No, credits are only used when you unlock a contact’s email or mobile number, export a contact to your CRM, or download a contact to Excel.

Q: Will I be charged twice for the same contact?

A: No, once you’ve unlocked a contact, you can access their details anytime without using another credit.

Q: Can I see a contact’s company details without using a credit?

A: Yes, company details and limited contact information are visible before using a credit but unlocking the email pattern for the company will consume one credit.

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